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Amazon QuickSight Experts

Amazon QuickSight

PMsquare Technology Stack

Data Analytics

Amazon QuickSight is part of the data analytics segment of the PMsquare Technology Stack. QuickSight offers capabilities to exceed expectations in Mode 2 Analytics.

Connect to and visualize any data using QuickSight’s scalable & affordable platform for self-service and enterprise business intelligence to gain deeper data insight into your business.

PMsquare Special Offerings & Services

QuickSight Consulting

We offer data analytics consulting for Amazon QuickSight. This can include:

  • Data Analytics & Business Strategy Design

  • Cross-Platform Integration

  • End-to-End Analytics Consulting

  • Accelerated QuickSight Training

  • Additional Support & Guidance

We can do it all.

SaaS Anywhere


SaaS Anywhere is the way to a SaaS experience with your analytics tools in your chosen location, whether a third-party cloud or on-premises. It provides organizations a cost-efficient option for enterprise-scale deployment and support of all or any of their data analytics technologies with the security of a long-term partnership to help grow the value of their investment.

Persona-Based BI


PMsquare’s Persona-Based BI is the best modern approach to user adoption. We’re able to make sure your end-users get the information and capabilities they need to not only adopt but thrive in their roles with analytics solutions.

Amazon QuickSight Key Capabilities

Amazon QuickSight Complete Guide: Benefits and Pricing

Super Fast Processing

Amazon QuickSight is built on SPICE, which stands Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine, making it much faster than other standard querying tools.

Amazon QuickSight Q

Quicksight Q is a natural language querying capability in QuickSight. Ask a question and within a few seconds receive accurate answers with relevant visualizations.

Customize & Embed Dashboards

Customize your dashboards with various themes and embed them into your existing applications.

Built for Self Service

Amazon QuickSight is easy to set up, easy to learn, and quick to get you insights through a wide range of visualizations.

Easy Integration

Quicksight provides easy integrations for cloud and on-prem data sources, 3rd party databases, and AWS native sources.

Highly Scalable

AWS Quicksight can be scaled across thousands of users that can use your data simultaneously.

Anywhere, Any Time

Access Amazon QuickSight anywhere at any time - from your desktop, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or even if you’re offline.

Have Questions? Contact Us

Amazon QuickSight Customer Success Stories


National Football League

The National Football League (NFL) saw tremendous value in Amazon QuickSight’s trouble-free scalability, which takes care of provisioning servers and managing infrastructure.



Volvo accelerated its AWS adoption journey by integrating Amazon QuickSight. QuickSight provided native integrations with AWS services, most importantly Amazon Athena.



Siemens leveraged AWS QuickSight, a true cloud-based solution, for its scalability, wide of integrations for connecting data, and its no-infrastructure management approach.

With the new pay-per-session pricing for dashboard access, we can extend interactive dashboards with a focused consumption experience to the entire team, with the assurance that we only pay when we use the product. The serverless nature of Amazon QuickSight aligns with our vision for the data platform, with no infrastructure management needed to scale across the company! We look forward to enabling more use cases in Amazon QuickSight.
— Jim Stamp, Head of Product & Data Engineering, Autotrader

Resources & Support

Ready to become an expert? Check out the list of resources we’ve provided for users to get comfortable with Microsoft Power BI and start unlocking insights.

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